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Конференц-центр в Пизе

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 06.08.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 06.08.2017
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  город: Пиза
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 18 июня - €15; с 19 июня по 6 августа - €20
  награда: €500
  организатор: STaRT for talents
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Pisa Conference Hall
  Задача конкурсантов – представить идеи по созданию конференц-центра неподалеку от Пизанской башни. Современное здание должно органично дополнить архитектурный облик исторического района. Помимо собственно зала для конференций, здесь необходимо предусмотреть парковую зону, выставочный зал, ресторан, помещения для персонала.
Pisa is a city with a long history that has preserved its ancient charm. The Middle Ages was the period of greatest splendor, during which expansionist ambitions and flourishing commercial traffic made Pisa one of the four Maritime Republics. To careful economic growth policies they were joined intentions of cultural development that led to the foundation of some of the most important academic centers in Italy. The University, founded in the XIV century, and the Normale School, established in the XIX century, are located a short distance from Piazza del Duomo, better known as Cathedral Square, one of the places of greater recognition of the city. The Cathedral and the bell tower of the twelfth century - the "Leaning Tower" - make up the square and are among the monuments recognized as UNESCO heritage. PISA CONFERENCE HALL will be integrated in a context in which instances of the past are very strong today. The proposed project will have to know how to setup one crucial point that represents a three union between Piazza del Duomo and the University campus. Architecture that will become an important contemporary piece to the historic city.

Functional space:

Reception: 100 mq + Auditorium: 500 mq + Restaurant-bar: 200 mq + Temporary exhibition hall: 200 mq + Public WC: 3 for sex and one for disabled+ 6 offices : 25 mq cadauno + Dressing room for staff: 50 mq + Storage equipment: 50 mq + Green Park: 200 mq


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