Журнал Eleven проводит очередной конкурс идей. На этот раз участникам предстоит спроектировать планетарий 21 века. Дело в том, что современные цифровые технологии, используемые в планетариях, сегодня вышли на первое место и значительно снизили роль архитектурной составляющей. Конкурсанты должны поразмышлять над тем, как можно выдвинуть архитектуру на первый план, как она могла бы помочь в изучении космического пространства. Никаких органичений нет – принимаются даже самые фантастические предложения.
Welcome to Eleven’s 6th international challenge. This time around, we turn our attention to Planetariums.
From the dawn of civilization, mankind has had a fascination with the sky. From Stonehenge to the Pyramids of Egypt and South America, architecture has played a central role in the understanding of space and time, both as an observational tool and as a metaphorical experience.
Today, the Planetarium dome has become the standard vessel for communicating astronomy and astrophysics. However, many of these lessons have become restricted to projections, films or virtual reality, thus downgrading the architecture to a passive container rather than a committed protagonist.
In this competition, we ask if architecture itself could become – once again – the tool for experiencing and understanding space. How can architecture engage with and enhance today’s renewed age of space exploration and discovery? What does the next generation of Planetariums look like?
There are no right or wrong answers, just endless possibilities in the pursuit of excellence and design-led innovation. So… let your creativity go wild and enjoy the process! We really look forward to seeing your fantastic proposals.