Участникам необходимо предложить идеи по созданию школы искусств в португальском городе Порту. Место гипотетического строительства располагается в старом районе Рибейра, визитными карточками которого являются узкие улочки, малоэтажные дома, красочные фасады. Школа искусств должна с одной стороны стать элементом современности в исторической среде, с другой – не нарушить уникальную атмосферу этого места.
Ribeira is the oldest district of Porto: founded in Roman times overlooks the River Douro keeping intact the chaotic charm of its small streets. low houses, colorful facades, old shops, characterize the district that was insert in UNESCO for its typical morphology. The Luis I Bridge, which connects the two sides of the city, was built in 1880 boasting a strong structure of steel trusses. Porto isn’t only the city of bridges but it is also the place of colored tiles that cover the buildings, the azulejos. Note is the facade of Sao Bento station, covered by about 20000 all hand-painted tiles. Art, history, local traditions are the ideal breeding ground for the new Escola de Artes which will become a renewal element of the historic city. Placing near the existing Escola de photograph must draw a small cultural citadel in the ancient center of Porto. Workshops and exhibitions will make the place an attraction site capable to transform instances of the past in contemporary signs.