Цель конкурса – благоустройство прибрежной полосы испанского города Аликанте. Общая протяженность территории – 20 километров. Однако участники могут выбрать участок любого масштаба в ее пределах, при условии, что его развитие будет способствовать постепенному освоению всей береговой зоны. Состязание пройдет в два этапа. Конкурсанты, вышедшие в финал, займутся более детальной разработкой своих предложений.
The aim of this competition is designing and planning the public space in the waterfront area, approximately 20 km long, which covers the entire Municipal District of Alicante from El Campello to Elx, with a variable width and drawn in the cartographic base of the documentation attached to the competition briefs.
Contestants will be free to redefine the scope of the competition provided that it conforms to the concept of "coastal corridor" and to the influence area of the site initially proposed, and that the variation is justified with technical arguments that reflect and assume the implications that could affect over other spaces.
Its development should allow a gradual deepening in the study of the whole coastal strip and its sections.
This object is materialized in the selection of the technical team selected to design and plan the mentioned areas through the required documentation, as well as the Basic and Execution Projects, the Safety and Health Study and the Environmental Impact Study of the works of Sections 2.3 and 4.1 of the Coastal Corridor defined in Section 6 of the Specific Technical Clauses.