Современные города постоянно расширяются, а их жители стали воспринимать непрекращающуюся стройку как неотъемлемую часть окружающего их пейзажа. Нагромождение строительных контейнеров-бытовок зачастую закрывают красивые виды и создает ощущение беспорядка. Задача участников – предложить идеи по преобразованию внешней и, возможно, функциональной составляющей заполонивших города контейнеров. Нужно подумать над тем, каким образом они могут послужить на благо, – обернуть негатив в позитив.
As cities expand and construction continues, citizens have grown to accept the eyesore that accompanies it. Construction containers are often sighted blocking city views and crowding construction locations. We don’t think that the inhabitants of cities need to compromise their cityscapes with construction containers just in the name of progress.
The Construction Container Facelift competition, in partnership with VUDIS Modular Unit Manufacturer, is calling on designers to find creative solutions to tackle this global problem at its core. Participants are tasked with neutralising the negative visual impact of the construction containers on cityscapes by tapping into the containers’ surfaces as an unclaimed resource for enhancing the city. Turning a negative into a positive and improving the city visually and perhaps even functionally.
This is an open architecture ideas competition, welcoming submissions and participants from all countries and all levels of experience. The brief is flexible, allowing for projects that offer purely aesthetic solutions and those that propose a revolution of the entire construction process, with the containers being replaced with alternative and more sustainable options that have less of an impact on the cityscape.
The official competition partner VUDIS Modular Unit Manufacturer will be involved throughout the jury process and will consider all winning designs and honourable mentions for production.