Конкурсантам нужно спроектировать нестандартную школу на 500 учеников для детей в возрасте от 5 до 12 лет. Задача – уйти от традиционного подхода как к процессу обучения, так и к организации пространства. Инновационная архитектурная и пространственная среда должна способствовать развитию творческого начала и эффективному усвоению материала. Предполагаемое место строительства школы – берлинский район Темпельхоф.
We seem to have forgotten that schools are the real ‘Temples of Innovation’ that shape children of the future. Schools are supposed to be ‘fun’ places that inspire wonder, creativity and innovation through the teaching and learning. Schools should offer welcoming environments that instil in us confidence to pursue our dreams and interests. Pedagogy i.e. the art of teaching faces a real test in today’s times for it has remained very stagnant and rigid in its discourse. Innovation in methods and practices of education has been slow and very limited. In most of the countries, schools have adopted a very general, mechanical and theoretical system of education that minutely focuses on problem solving, practical and experimental methods and most importantly, personal interests of children. Schooling environment, since the industrial revolution has done very less to revamp their gloomy, colourless, isolating and lifeless spaces.
Brain development between ages 5 and 12 is significant and understood. Cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists are intrigued with how cognitive capacities are affected by the architectural attributes and spatiality of a school environment.
The competition seeks the creation of a middle school (age group 5-12) that completely negates the present day ‘bench-table-chalkboard’ idea of a classroom and a regularized building typology of a school. The competition seeks ideas from participants to create a fun built environment for a middle school that understands the individual needs of each child yet being very collaborative in nature. The school should strive to create a new pedagogical space that emphasizes on people-oriented design in behavioural terms as they interact and use spaces.
Design a new way of learning in schools- that changes the functioning system of the present day school typology.
Create an innovative architectural and spatial environment that enhances the experiential and visual appeal of a school block.
Incorporate environment and landscape in a school block in a more ‘meaningful’ and dynamic fashion.
The site for the competition is located in Tempelhof, Berlin and aims to create an exemplary prototype for all the new world schooling systems to follow.