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Студия архитектуры и дизайна в Лондоне

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 17.03.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 17.03.2017
  дата объявления результатов: 30.03.2017
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Великобритания
  город: Лондон
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 2 марта - $100; с 3 по 17 марта - $125
  награда: главный приз - $5000
  организатор: [AC-CA]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  [LONDON] Architecture & Design Studio
  Задача участников конкурса – предложить идеи по созданию современной архитектурной или дизайн-студии в лондонском районе Шордич. Внешний облик здания должен отражать сегодняшние тенденции в архитектуре, а обстановка внутри – способствовать плодотворной деятельности молодых специалистов. Во внимание также следует принять окружающий городской контекст. 10 лучших проектов примут участие в специально организованной выставке, а победитель получит денежный приз.
London is the capital and most populous city of England and the United Kingdom. It stands on the River Thames in the south east of the island of Great Britain. “London” also refers to the metropolis around the core city, historically split between Middlesex, Essex, Surrey, Kent, and Hertfordshire, which today largely makes up Greater London.

It is a leading global city in the architecture, design, arts, commerce, education, finance, entertainment, fashion, healthcare, media, professional services, research and tourism, development and transport.

As one of the world’s most-visited city as measured by international arrivals with the world’s largest city airport system measured by passenger traffic. It is the world’s leading investment destination, hosting more international retailers and ultra high-net-worth individuals than any other city. In 2012, the city proudly became the only city to have hosted the modern Summer Olympic Games three times and has oldest underground railway network in the world.

The city has a diverse range of people and cultures, and more than 300 languages are spoken in the region. The estimated mid-2015 municipal population was 8,673,713, the largest of any city in the European Union, and accounting for 12.5 per cent of the UK population.

What is an Architecture or Design Studio?
Architectural or Design studio is defined as an office with spaces set aside for architects or designers to work from and create designs for all types of structures and the surrounding landscape. A typical architecture / design firm will provide each architects, designer and engineer with some type of studio space, to inspire and which provides freedom from a number of distractions. However, there are also studios that are designed to allow several architects / designers to occupy the same space at the same time.

Any modern studio should be equipped with all the tools necessary to conceive and develop ideas for new projects. The work surfaces provided with appropriate balanced direct lighting and space for printed and electronic resources is one common element. The use of computer technology is a useful aid in the creative efforts of prototypes and models as it helps move the process further much quicker as such should be considered in any proposal.


The aim of this International Competition is to design a new contemporary Architecture & Design Studio in Shoreditch area in London. The studio or working office should provide an inspirational environment for a young growing practice. The architecture of this new building should reflect contemporary design tendencies and suggest a vision for such a studio today. The proposal must not only attend to the specific function but also take into consideration the urban context and impact.

This competition hopes to achieve the following:
  • Encourage and reward design excellence at a large scale which integrates function, structure and details.
  • Research, respond to and highlight the unique aspects of designing an office / studio building.
  • To generate the discussion of ideas regarding the relation between Architecture and Culture.
  • Encourage the employment of sustainable design in all aspects of the proposal.


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