Конкурсантам предстоит пофантазировать на тему римского Возрождения XXI века. В центре внимания состязания – река Тибр. Именно ее необходимо возродить. Участники могут предложить свое видение развития прибрежных и водных территорий Рима. Никаких ограничений фантазии конкурсантов организаторы не устанавливают.
This competition seeks to engage with the idea of adding a contemporary layer of life onto Rome’s millennial urban fabric by using the river and its water as a rekindling element between the past and the future.
Using Rome as a muse, you are the creative in control to interpret what the outcome of this challenge represents for both the city and yourself. There are no limits, only endless possibilities to develop into visionary concepts and designs.
Here are some questions for you to consider:
Is it about revolution, evolution or conservation? Is it a loud intervention or a series of subtle ones? Is it about leisure and lifestyle? About nature? Architecture? Green transportation solutions to add a layer of connective tissue to the city? Does it engage with new technologies? How will the designs deal with the additional environmental challenges, such as the occasional violent tidal surges which sweep through the river? Will proposals be limited to an area of the Tiber, the whole urban river bank, or extend out into the surrounding urban context beyond the confines of the river itself?