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Design a story - конкурс рассказов

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 01.04.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 28.04.2017
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Швеция
  город: Стокгольм
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - 30 000 шведских крон; II место - 15 000 шведских крон; III место - 5000 шведских крон
  организатор: Kalejdohill Project
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Story designing competition
  Цель конкурса – продемонстрировать связь архитектурного и литературного искусств. Участникам предлагается написать рассказ, действие которого разворачивается в парке Кварнбакен в пригороде Стокгольма. Рассказы могут быть основаны на исторических фактах, отражать сегодняшнюю реальность или быть абсолютно вымышленными. Задача – представить варианты развития парка как общественного пространства. Свои истории необходимо проиллюстрировать.
This competition explores the potential of stories in architecture to open up unexpected paths and ideas in the design of public space.

From linear narratives to multiple narratives that overlap, to the reinvention of our past, and new descriptions of the present, there is a great potential for storytelling in architecture. Stories are embedded in public space, from the history, to the day - and life cycle of a space, as they change throughout the day and are altered and perceived radically different in its lifetime.
A story also has the ability to create a collective framework for the public to agree and disagree in public discourse.  
Submit an imaginary story that takes place on Kvarnbacken, the hill close to the Jakobsberg train station that has become the site for a two year process called Kalejdohill.

The stories could involve elements from the history of the site such as the ancient viking burial sites, or the mill that sat on the highest point and burned down several times over the last decades. They could involve the lives of future inhabitants, the reality of living in a suburb of Stockholm, or the fantasy of chasing that elusive Pokemon in the newly formed public space of Kalejdohill. The stories could be personal, walking your dog one morning and seeing the strangest bird, or they could be communal, a massive concert where you fell in love or a force of nature that lead you there.

Illustrate your story on one A2 page, describing where it takes place and and what went on. Show us how you imagine that place in the future, the buildings and the people that inhabit it.

Perhaps by collecting these stories we can begin to accumulate ideas for this space that soon will be public.


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