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Жизнь в обществе

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 17.03.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 17.03.2017
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Испания
  город: Орначуэлос
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 3 февраля - €40; с 4 февраля по 3 марта - €70; с 4 по 17 марта - €90
  награда: I место - €3000; II место - €1000; III место - €500
  организатор: reTH!NKING
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Living the Collective
  Конкурсантам предстоит преобразовать один из центральных кварталов испанского города Орначуэлос. Задача – создать комфортное жилое пространство, где частная и общественная жизнь тесно связаны. Необходимо дополнить уже существующие на конкурсном участке постройки новыми, обеспечить грамотное функциональное наполнение и особое внимание уделить общим зонам.
reTH!NKING team sis delighted to introduce the new competition Living the Collective, a competition which pretends to create a collective space, where the domestic space is as important as the urban space.

How can a city adapt to new times? History changes, families grow up, human being evolves and with it everything around it. However, cities remains as they are and grow up in its outskirts., leaving buildings and neighborhoods frozen in time. We do not suggest that everything must be destroyed to leave space for the new, but we must improve and not make the same mistakes. This do not pretend to be a formula or a solution, but an approach to a diagnosis and a treatment for living problems, which, as main part of cities, can suppose the needed change.

An architect thinks the space according to the people, according to the use and of course the location. As we have said before, the city is largely composed of houses, so, isn’t this the most important sector when it comes to tackling the problem of sustainability in the city? Architects can not approach the city as a single thing, it is a set of elements and we can face them on a smaller scale to be able to improve it on a large scale. Each city is different, in each part of the world cities have been created in different ways, growing and evolving in different ways according to the economy, society or tradition.

Due to this, we understand that one of the most important project solutions is the understanding of the future as a variable to be taken into account. The problem of the ecology is a territorial problem, and the bigger problem of the city is the house. From the house you build the city and the city configures the territory, although in many cases, he opposite occurs: it configures the territory through the city, and housing is the remnant of an urban design that has not been thought on a human scale.

The territory is a support that establishes models of cities that have been progressing. If we make a rigid, single and serial housing we limit the area to families with similar characteristics. The city should not be conditioned to a type of person, but to be plural.


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