Участникам необходимо представить идеи по созданию нового кампуса для кенийской школы KenCada. Здание должно быть рассчитано на обучение 236 детей. Помимо учебных классов в проектах нужно предусмотреть библиотеку и компьютерный зал, игровую площадку, пространство для проведения различных мероприятий, столовую и другие функциональные зоны. Основная задача – предложить дизайн, который сможет повысить эффективность образовательного процесса.
KenCada Academy and DBR present an International Ideas Competition inviting Kenyan and International designers to give the students of KenCada International Academy a new place to learn and grow.
The environment of a learning space has great effect on the growth, focus and emotions of a student. An effective learning space has the potential to dynamically influence student learning, as opposed to passively providing a venue for it. Through a flexible, thoughtful design, the building will be a teacher in itself.
The KenCada International Academy was founded on the conviction that the best of Kenyan education and international 21st Century learning is urgently needed and should be made accessible to all Kenyan children. The challenge is to design a new campus for KenCada that will serve as a learning space for its young students. Designs should be mindful of the school’s locality, and seek to engage the community it inhabits. Local materials unique to the Swahili Coast should also be celebrated. A balance of modernity and local vernacular traditions would be ideal.