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Города без ископаемого топлива

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 24.02.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 24.02.2017
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Нидерланды
  город: Утрехт
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: главный приз - €10 000; каждый из десяти финалистов получит по €1000 на дальнейшую разработку своей идеи
  организатор: Urban Futures Studio
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Post-Fossil City Contest
  Мир, каким мы его видим сегодня, – это мир, построенный на зависимости человека от таких ресурсов, как уголь, нефть и газ. Однако человечество стремится к созданию новой современной экологичной среды. Значит, на смену сегодняшним устаревшим городам придут новые. Какими они будут – предстоит поразмышлять участникам конкурса. Работы принимаются в любом формате: иллюстрации, 3d-модели, эссе, видео, готовые изделия и т.п.
Fossil fuels have shaped the world as we know it. They have defined how we move around in our cars, generate electricity, how we produce and consume food, run our economies, and design our cities. As we’re moving towards a post-fossil future, our addiction to coal, gas and oil will come to an end. This transition and new era will reshape cities and everyday life so radically that it’s hard to imagine what it will feel, taste, smell, and look like.

Innovation is the result of responding with ideas to problems. Both the automobile and bicycle were developed in response to dissatisfaction with transportation by horse, and as we know, these means of transportation continue to make an impact on our environment. Planners and architects like Cornelis van Eesteren, Robert Moses and Le Corbusier designed cities for car traffic — machines for living, focused entirely on efficiency. Today, their ideas are seen as failed utopias, that have nonetheless strongly influenced the urban landscape. Let us design — aspects of — a new, post-fossil city, adapted to this major challenge of our time? Do you think this city would be a utopia or a dystopia, and which problems might arise in the process of achieving this?

The Urban Futures Studio asks creative thinkers and makers to take the problems of our current cities as a starting point, in order to imagine the everyday texture of the post-fossil city. We would love to hear and see your ideas.


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