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Креативная деревня

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 28.11.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 28.11.2016
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Китай
  город: Тэнчун
  открыт для: студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - 25 000 юаней; II место - 15 000 юаней; III место - 8000 юаней
  жюри: Jinwen Zhang
Mengwen Lu
Shanbin Bian
Wenchong Zhang
Guochuang Zhao
Entian Yang
Dihua Li
Beisi Jia
Wenling Kang
Xiaokun Wang
Hui Liu
Ming Shi
Clara Li
  организатор: L&A Design Group
L&A Non-profit Foundation
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  2016 Tengchong-L&A Design Star "Creative Village" international competition
  На конкурс принимаются концепции создания «креативной деревни» к юго-западу от китайского города Тэнчун, который имеет не только богатое культурное и историческое наследие, но также уникальные природные ресурсы. Проекты должны быть нацелены на повышение туристического интереса к этому региону, а также сохранение и демонстрацию неповторимой атмосферы и традиционного уклада китайских деревень.
Tengchong, southwest of Yunnan Province, is well known in domestic and abroad for its rich natural resources like volcanic, Atami and Heshun town. The historical and cultural city on the Silk Road is an important gateway for China to South Asia and Southeast Asia, which is also the most popular tourist destination for visitors. Relying on the innate good natural environment, abundant tourism resources, profound cultural historical heritage, the current 2016 Tengchong-L&A Design Star "Creative Village" international competition use Hehua Dai and Wa Ethnic Township, southwest of Tengchong city, as the design field. In this way, we want to explore a consolidation pattern of cultural and creative tourism, rural construction and industrial heritage in the new era. We hope to increase added value in tourism product by promote the popularity of the town, and change the traditional development mode through reasonable scenic area planning and design.

In addition to the magnificent ground water and underground river resources, constant perennial water with low temperature "Bapai Giant Hot Springs ", Hehua town also has Hehua Sugar Factory as industrial heritage constructed in 1983 and a rural settlement called Ba Pai village with rich humanistic resources. Students all over the world will work together to integrate and promote the high quality resources of field in three months. And finally make the scheme a new type of tourism destination solution based on southwest and facing the world.

This international design competition is open to all university students both domestic and abroad, aiming to formulate creative strategies from a global perspective for the transformation of beautiful Chinese villages.


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