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Архитектура границ

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 08.11.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 08.11.2016
  дата объявления результатов: 14.11.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Индия
  открыт для: команд студентов (от 3 до 5 человек)
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - $1500; II место - $1125; III место - $750
  организатор: Aditya College of Architecture (ACA)
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  ACA's 4th IDC : The Architecture of Boundaries
  Студенты со всего мира могут принять участие в конкурсе и представить свое видение заявленной темы – «Архитектура границ». Задача – поразмышлять о том, какие границы существуют в современном мире, обществе, жизни отдельных людей; есть и нужны ли границы в архитектуре; позволяет ли архитектура расширять или преодолевать границы и барьеры. Проекты конкурсантов должны отражать их географическую и этническую принадлежность и одновременно с этим выходить за рамки, вписываться в мир за пределами выбранной территории.
The past editions had participation of SAARC countries. In 2015 the competition was made open to 18 ARCASIA’s nations, which received an overwhelming response of 100 entries engaging over 500 students from architecture schools from 9 nations.

This year we wish to reached out to 118 member nations of UIA (International Union of Architects).

The International Design Competition is an initiative to reach out to the context much beyond the one that one belongs. The objective of the competition is to provide a platform for discussion among view-points that may be poles apart, seek commonalities, discover and respect differences, and strengthen a unique position of being local as well as global among students’ communities across the Globe. This we believe will facilitate desired values, sensitivity, ideation, innovation and creativity in conceptualizing Architecture.

This year we are presenting ‘the Architecture of Boundaries’ as the Competition theme for Design Expressions. The bank of Architectural Expressions thus generated would be reviewed, judged and evaluated by a panel of eminent jurors for the new knowledge it brings to the platform of the Competition. The select entries will be documented and shared with the participating students as well as with the global fraternity on the website and in form of a document that gets published at the end of the competition.

We have invited eminent Architects and Professionals, who have contributed to the field of architectural education and are achievers in their professional work, as jurors for the competition.


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