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Архитектурный конкурс Ричарда Дрихауса. I этап

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 07.03.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 07.04.2017
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Испания
  открыт для: архитекторов и урбанистов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: три главных приза по €12 000; поощрительные призы по €2000
  жюри: Alejandro García Hermida
Leopoldo Gil Cornet
Leon Krier
Rafael Manzano Martos
Anselmo Menéndez Menéndez
Alfonso Muñoz Cosme
David Rivera
Harriet Wennberg
  организатор: INTBAU (Interational Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism)
Directorate-General of Architecture, Housing and Land. Ministry of Public Works and Transport
Directorate-General of Fine Arts and Cultural Assets and of Archives and Libraries. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport
Senior Council of the Colleges of Architects of Spain
Rafael Manzano Prize
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  The Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition
  Конкурс призван найти идеи по сохранению национальной и культурной самобытности в архитектуре и градостроительстве Испании. Состязание проходит в два этапа. На первом будет выбрано три конкурсных территории. На втором – архитекторы и урбанисты предложат проекты по их развитию. Предпочтение необходимо отдавать использованию традиционных мотивов, местных материалов, современных технологий, которые при этом не помешают подчеркнуть историческую ценность региона.
связанные события:

Архитектурный конкурс Ричарда Дрихауса 2022–2025. II этап

Архитектурный конкурс Ричарда Дрихауса. II этап

Архитектурный конкурс Ричарда Дрихауса. II этап
The Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition is an International Competition created to promote an architecture and urbanism practice committed to preserving and giving continuity to local traditions in Spain.

It will award and promote proposals working on the basis of local architectural tradition and particular identity of the site, and contributing to make more beautiful, coherent, sustainable and socially integrating towns.Designs using the materials and building techniques of the region, as well as prioritizing traditional solutions, will be encouraged, contributing to providing more and better employment possibilities to regional building workers.

The awarded proposals are intended to serve as a model for urban and architectural designs more sensitive to these issues and more committed to preserving Spanish cultural heritage.

The Competition will be conducted in two stages: (1) Site Selection and (2) Design Competition.

1st stage
  • Spanish municipalities will be invited to submit possible themes and sites for the competition.
  • An international jury, consisting of representatives from the various institutions collaborating in this initiative will be represented, then chose the three entries that best fulfilled the competition's aims and criteria.
2nd stage
  • Architects and urban planners from around the world will be able to present their designs for any of three locations selected in the first phase.
  • A second jury, also comprised of representatives from the diverse collaborating institutions, will select the best design proposals for each one of the previously selected locations.


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