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Новые объекты для Ципао

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 03.09.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 08.10.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Китай
  город: Сучжоу
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - 200 000 юаней; II место - два приза по 100 000 юаней; III место - три приза по 50 000 юаней; четыре поощрительных приза по 10 000 юаней
  организатор: Builtop Group Co., Ltd.
Time + Architecture Journal
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  China Wujiang – Qipao Town International Architecture Design Competition
  Цель конкурса – повысить туристическую привлекательность, а также подчеркнуть самобытность Сучжоу, создав в провинции Ципао своеобразный культурно-ремесленный центр. Участникам состязания предстоит разработать проекты пяти объектов для Ципао – музея, исследовательского института, отеля, женского колледжа и открытой площадки для проведения мероприятий. Основная задача – отразить в новых объектах традиции и уникальные особенности региона, такие как, к примеру, производство шелка.
Wujiang, as part of Suzhou in Jiangsu Province, is a world-renowned “Silk Capital” of China, possessing immeasurable cultural power. The Central Government’s promulgation of “One Belt One Road” strategy has offered new opportunities for Wujiang. Added to that the development and construction of the city’s Taihu New City and the conditions are ripe for it to leverage on its cultural heritage such as to enhance its core competitiveness, in keeping with international trends. As such it is necessary to fully expound on Wujiang’s rich silk culture in order to achieve perfect integration of the latter with the New City which symbolizes modern civilization. As an important cultural highlight as well as project landmark in Wujiang’s Taihu New City, Qipao Town looks set to herald a new chapter in the venerable city’s modern development.

Qipao Town is situated in Wujiang’s Old Town Section next to the Chuihongqiao relic site. It covers an area of 32 hectares (or about 480 ‘mu’) with 100 ‘mu’ reserved for development at a planned investment cost of RMB 6 billion. It embraces ‘Qipao culture’ and adopts as its core development concept, the tenet of “Traditional Culture + Craftsman’s Spirit” in an effort to achieve integrated development of the town’s culture, tourism and industry.

The developer of Qipao Town has set out to create a town that encompasses tourism, culture and industry. Its intent to give an inimitable cultural and tourism experience in the Southern waterside town while promoting the ‘Qipao’ – a traditional Chinese apparel – as part of contemporary fashion. The ‘Qipao’ theme will also cover Chinese traditional apparel, silk culture, Chinese studies and Buddhism culture, thus giving the town its impeccable cultural heritage. High-end bespoke tailoring, creative design, master’s workshop, product launch and world-class forums revolving around the theme of ‘Qipao’ are sure to give the town its unique flavor.

Planning and construction of Qipao Town calls for the construction of five ‘core galleries’ (Qipao Museum, Qipao Research Institute, Qipao-themed Hotel, Qipao Women’s College and Qipao Outdoor-Show Venue). In view of this, an “International Architectural Design Competition” will be held. The objectives are to inspire public initiative and participation in urban construction, to utilize outstanding architectural design contest entries for vitalizing urban public spaces, and to guide urban developments with quality cultural products and innovative designs through “crowd sourcing and innovation” and “cultural creativity”, so as to establish unique cultural features for Wujiang’s Qipao Town, thereby expanding Wujiang’s cultural influence.


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