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«Дом музыки» в Сан-Франциско

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 27.11.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 03.12.2016
  дата объявления результатов: 18.12.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: США
  город: Сан-Франциско
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 25 сентября - €50; с 26 сентября по 26 октября - €75; с 27 октября по 27 ноября - €100
  награда: I место - €2000; II место - €1000
  организатор: AWR Competitions
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  San Francisco House of Music
  Участникам предлагается спроектировать здание «Дома музыки» для парка «Золотые ворота» в Сан-Франциско. Здесь можно будет не только посещать концерты и другие мероприятия, но и обучаться музыкальному искусству. В своих проектах конкурсантам необходимо предусмотреть различные функциональные зоны (билетные кассы, концертный зал, классы для обучения, кафе и другие).
AWRcompetition proposes the design of a new building insidethe Golden Gate Park, San Francisco House of Music. The project wants to become an important link between the past and the present of the city. This new space, in addition to the Opera in the War Memorial Opera House, will be a place where new trends of classical and contemporary music will perform. The building will be a place where the community will be able to use the common areas and will enjoy the spectacles surrounded by the nature of the context.

Every place has a story to tell, and Golden Gate Park, an icon and keystone of San Francisco’s park system, is no exception. Millions of people have visited the park over the years, but only a few know of all the rich nuggets that it harbors. Golden Gate Park offers a dizzying array of treasures: fascinating buildings, scenic meadows and lakes, important monuments, and major museums.

The history of the Golden Gate Park goes back to the 1860s. The Gold Rush and the discovery of the Comstock Lode in the mid-1800s had catapulted San Francisco from a minor port town into a metropolis, buoyed by completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869. Pioneer Californians were proud of their isolation in the Far West but were also aware of their difference from the established, cultured East Coast. The emerging cosmopolitan city lacked the earmarks of greatness, such as museums, wide tree-lined boulevards, and monumental civic buildings, let alone a great park.

Citizens have recently taken a more active interest in the park’s preservation, approving millions of their tax and bond dollars to repair the failing infrastructure. Aging lighting, water delivery, and sewage removal systems are being replaced. Major storms in 1995 did considerable damage to the park, including the historic Conservatory of Flowers, which is being fully restored with public and private funds. Replacement of the de Young Museum and rebuilding of the California Academy of Sciences, changes that will dramatically revise the landscape of the park’s Music Concourse, have been under consideration for many years and are now moving forward.


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