На конкурс принимаются идеи по возвращению к жизни спортивного центра Варшавянка в столице Польши, который уже утратил и прежний архитектурный облик, и популярность среди жителей и гостей города. Здесь предлагается создать современный комплекс, где можно будет проводить спортивные тренировки и соревнования, выставочные мероприятия; также на территории необходимо создать пункты общественного питания и оборудовать парк для прогулок и активного отдыха.
This is a single stage Ideas Competition with the aim of identifying the best proposal for the regeneration of a Sports Complex and Park in Warsaw's Mokotow district - Poland.
Underlining the importance of the spatial concepts lying behind the original project—a unique piece in Polish architecture history—the competition aims to draw attention to the current state of this space, question its reuse and challenge participants to propose new solutions that will enhance the qualities of the location. In relation with the conceptual values of the original project, the new sports complex should be a combination of sport, art/architecture and the landscape, a project that will be fruitful for the development of the district and give rise to an appealing hub in the context of the city.
This challenge aims to provide meaningful answers to the following questions:
How can overlooked urban spaces be regenerated and successfully brought back into prominence?
How can a sportive program positively affect the reactivation of this particular urban sector?
How are architecture and landscape design able to integrate sports into the built environment and influence the sportive activity of the community?
How can the spatial quality and values of the original project be adjusted to meet present needs? Can the refurbishment become another way of architectural preservation?
How can an open space meet the requirements of professional sports / private sector and cater to the needs of the public? How can these two apparently opposite visions of development be combined?