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Освещенная река

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 07.07.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 21.10.2016
  тема: Ландшафт
  страна: Великобритания
  город: Лондон
  открыт для: художников, дизайнеров, архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  награда: £15 000 для каждой из команд, вошедших в шорт-лист
  жюри: Lord Rothschild (Project Ambassador)
Malcolm Reading (Professional Chair)
Hannah Rothschild
Professor Ricky Burdett
Lucy Musgrave
Ralph Rugoff
Justine Simons OBE
  организатор: Malcolm Reading Consultants
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  The Illuminated River International Design Competition
  Художникам, дизайнерам и архитекторам со всего мира представляется возможность внести вклад в формирование нового неповторимого облика вечерней Темзы. Суть конкурса – в создании уникального светового дизайна для 17 знаменитых мостов через реку. Состязание пройдет в два этапа. Денежное вознаграждение получат все команды, вошедшие в шорт-лист.
  Полина Садова. Иллюминация для Темзы, 09.11.2016
For more than two millennia, the River Thames has been integral to London’s evolution, shaping its communities and driving its economy. It continues to provide a huge source of pleasure for both Londoners and the nearly thirty million visitors drawn to London each year.

In daylight, the Thames speaks for itself, but on winter afternoons and at night it fades into a ribbon of darkness. London’s natural centrepiece becomes shadowy and obscure, inhibiting the atmosphere in many of the public spaces surrounding it.

Yet, with light as a medium for public art fascinating artists and audiences across the world, and with new lighting technology dramatically reducing energy consumption and making cities greener, London now has the opportunity to creatively reclaim the river after dark.

The Illuminated River Foundation will celebrate London’s famous river through one of the most ambitious public art initiatives in Europe in recent years. This will provide London with a new, free, permanent attraction, allowing the public to enjoy the river, all day-round, and all year. The project will act as an exemplar, encouraging engagement with the latest green technologies.

The funds for this circa £20m project will be raised, largely from private sources, by the Illuminated River Foundation, backed by the Rothschild Foundation. A broad coalition of public supporters and stakeholders includes the Mayor of London, amongst others.

Now, with the launch of the Illuminated River International Design Competition, the Foundation is searching for an inspired multi-disciplinary design team that can create an elegant and charismatic light art installation of world-class quality for 17 of London’s most celebrated bridges – those between Albert and Tower.

For artists and lighting designers, engineers, architects and technologists and others, the project offers the rarest of opportunities – to influence the look, identity and experience of one of the world’s greatest cities.

The commission for the project will be awarded through this two-stage OJEU design competition. No design is required at the first stage. The five, or more, competition finalists will be asked to conceive a design masterplan for the project, while providing a concept design for four specific bridges: Westminster, Waterloo, London and Chelsea that responds to their unique and individual characteristics.


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