Collective Habitat - International competition for collective housing ideas
На конкурс принимаются идеи по уплотнению центральных районов пяти чилийских городов: Икике, Вальпараисо, Сантьяго, Консепсьон и Пуэрто-Монт. Здесь должны появиться доступное многоквартирное жилье для среднего класса и малообеспеченных семей. Никаких ограничений по масштабу проектов и исользуемым материалам нет.
It is a competition which seeks to produce ideas to densify areas in or near the centers of 5 Chilean cities with collective housing. The goal is collect innovative architecture proposals that offer access to housing for middle and lower class families in well-served urban areas of Iquique, Valparaíso, Santiago, Concepción and Puerto Montt.
Proposals must be collective housing projects for middle and lower class families; they also could incorporate additional uses if the participant wants. There is no restriction in scale or materials, or location except to be located in one of the 5 cities in this competition.