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Сохранение и восстановление исторических зданий в Пекине

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.06.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 16.06.2016
  дата объявления результатов: 16.07.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Китай
  город: Пекин
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: один приз - 75 000 юаней; три приза по 30 000 юаней; пять призов по 15 000 юаней
  организатор: Beijing Yanguang Real Estate Co., Ltd
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Design for Construction of Sites in Xuanxi North
  Задача участников – разработать проекты по сохранению и развитию исторических объектов на территории района Северный Сюаньси в Пекине. Конкурсанты могут выбрать для работы не более двух из десяти предложенных зданий и представить концепции по их возрождению, формированию обновленного облика района, «оживлению» территории, на которой находятся охраняемые объекты культурного наследия.
Location: The Xuanxi North project is located in central Beijing, within the second ring-road. It lies on the west side of Xuanwumenwai Avenue, about 2.2km in a direct line from Tiananmen Square and 3.6km from The Temple of Heaven, and has a surface area of about 13hectares. The project falls within the Beijing Historic Character Harmonization Area, and its borders are as follows: to the east it is bordered by Xuanwumenwai Avenue; to the west it is bordered by Shunhe 3 Lane(Xiaxie Street); to the south it is bordered by Chukuying hutong, Jiaochang Daliu Alley, and the south edge of Yang Jiaoshan Memorial Hall; to the north it is bordered by the single-storey area of Xuanwumen West Avenue. The area has within it 5 conservation sites (the Yang Jiaoshan Memorial Hall, which is a conservation site of Beijing City status, the Former Residence of Shen Jiaben, a site of District status, and the Former Residence of Gong Zizhen, and the Taiyuan and Dongguan Guildhalls, which are Cultural Relics Survey sites), and also 4 Simple Buildings, the rest being a warren of residential properties.

Objectives & Tasks: This competition, with its sights set on the conservation of the project area as a whole and the upgrading of its environment, uses small-scale circulation as its mode, and addresses itself to designers in different fields, soliciting designs which take “heritage site construction” as the design starting point and entry point and “available for construction” as the objective. Designers need to take as a foundation an original and forward-looking view of the conservation of old Beijing, and after analyzing the Xuanxi North project as a whole, the relationship between the sites, the relationship between the sites and the roads and streets, and the nature of the sites themselves, they should produce diverse plans for the individual sites (or groups of sites, referred to below as “sites”) and work out a high quality feasible design for the whole, reviving the individual sites and turning them into more active, more open, and more lively spaces, and giving the whole project area a better look and greater vitality.

When we judge the submissions we will apply diverse standards and multiple perspectives, looking for designers with all-round strengths and giving them a chance to show their creativity and put it into practice. This competition should not only be a matter of renewing urban spaces, it should be feast of ideas for making run-down and backward urban spaces more active, open and vital.


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