Организаторы конкурса предлагают поразмышлять о том, как должен выглядеть отель, предназначенный только для сна. Участники могут предложить как дизайн отдельных предметов интерьера, так и общую концепцию оформления отеля. Место предполагаемого строительства отеля участники могут выбрать самостоятельно.
The aim of the “Sleeping” competition is to develop a design proposals for the hotel typology, intended as a place to sleep. It is asked to the participants to create innovative and unconventional projects on this theme, questioning the very basis of the notion of hotel. Recently many initiatives, such as Airbnb and Couch-surfing, have been proposing new interpretations of the function of hotels, developing extremely successful business models. With similar creative attitude the participants are urged to create an artefact, merging considerable programmatic innovation and valuable design tools. The proposal can be a device, a piece of furniture, an interior design project, a pavilion, a building or a urban plan. Scale of intervention, program dimensions and location are not given and they can be arranged by the participants to better suit their project.