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Арт-платформа для Сунчхона

  dead-line регистрации: 15.04.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 25.05.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Южная Корея
  город: Сунчхон
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: $100
  награда: I место - $60 000; II место - $40 000; III место - $10 000
  организатор: Daegu Architectural Culture Confederation (DACC)
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Suncheon Art Platform
  Цель конкурса – возрождение исторической части южнокорейского города Сунчхон. Участникам необходимо спроектировать площадь искусств и арт-центр, которые оживят Старый город, вернут ему славу образовательного и культурного центра региона. Место должно стать интересным для посещения как туристами, так и жителями Сунчхона.
The City of Suncheon is hosting an international architecture competition for the Suncheon Art Platform to enlighten a new era for the city by regenerating the Old City.

The Old City of Suncheon (the competition site and the surrounding area) had been the educational and cultural centre of the region with a traditional institute of Suncheon Hyanggyo (the Confucian school of Suncheon) founded hundreds of years ago and modern institutes founded during modernisation of the country. However, it now remains only in people’s memory due to the doughnut effect of the city as it expanded.

Having collected opinions of the citizens through surveys and an ideas competition for university students, the City of Suncheon decided to build an art square with an art centre that could revitalise the Old City.

Suncheon has put all efforts to protect its natural environment and ecology and natural by holding the Garden Expo, designating it as Suncheon Bay National Garden and joining Ramsar wetlands.

The Suncheon Art Platform will provide a place to linger for the visitors and a new direction on the improvement of urban life.

The City of Suncheon will do our best to assist you while participating in the competition . We wish many of you join the competition with your creative ideas to design the Suncheon Art Platform.


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