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Бабий Яр – Дорогожицкий некрополь

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 31.03.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 22.05.2016
  дата объявления результатов: 28.09.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Украина
  город: Киев
  открыт для: архитекторов, планировщиков, ландшафтных дизайнеров
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: $35
  награда: I место - $17 000; II место - $12 000; III место - $7000; четыре поощрительных премии по $3000
  жюри: Barbara Aronson, Marti Franch Batllori, Dr. Markus Jatsch, Mykhaylo Hershenzon, Dr. Vladyslav Hrynevych, Jörg Michel, Jimmy Norrman, Olivier Philippe, Dr. Dieter Pohl, Serhiy Tselovalnyk, Prof. James E. Young, Volodymyr Pryimak, David Bosshard
  организатор: Ukrainian Jewish Encounter
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Babyn Yar – Dorohozhychi Necropolis
  Предмет конкурса – создание мемориального парка «Бабий Яр – Дорогожицкий некрополь» на месте с трагической и неоднозначной историей, которое стало одним из символов Холокоста. Комплекс призван примирить конфликтующие точки зрения относительно исторических событий, произошедших здесь в период Второй мировой войны. Обязательные условия – сохранение всех объектов культурного наследия, расположенных на конкурсной территории, а также максимальное сохранение природного ландшафта.
Babyn Yar is a complex historical symbol. For centuries Babyn Yar was a multi-ethnic and multi-faith necropolis linked to the history of Kyiv. It became part of world history in the fall of 1941, when nearly 34,000 Kyivan Jews were murdered over two days in one of the largest single Nazi massacres during World War II. They were massacred for the sole reason that that they were Jews, whom the Nazi ideology designated to be chief enemies of the so-called “superior Aryan race”. This became a part of Nazi Germany' ambition to destroy all Jews throughout the world, a unique atrocity in human history. Babyn Yar thus became a symbol of the Holocaust, a symbol, in particular, of what in recent years has come to be called the “Holocaust by Bullets”—the mass shootings of Jews on the occupied territories of the then Soviet Union, as distinct from the better known gas chambers in Auschwitz and other death camps. Non-Jews were also murdered or buried at Babyn Yar during the war. In the two years of German occupation up to November 1943, this site was used as a place of execution or burial of persons and entire groups who were also considered to be enemies of the Nazis. Estimates point to at least 100,000 victims, the vast majority (over two-thirds) of whom were Jews.

Subsequently, the Soviet regime tried for decades to destroy the ravine (Yar) itself, as well as the national and ethnic identity of its victims, as evidenced in the 1976 massive Soviet bronze monument dedicated to “Over One Hundred Thousand Citizens of the City of Kyiv and Prisoners of War” killed in 1941-1943 “by German-Fascist Invaders.” By that time, Babyn Yar also became the scene of the Kurenivka disaster—a tragic mudslide that happened in 1961 and claimed 145 lives according to just official sources, but more likely 1,500 lives according to later estimates by historians.

After Ukrainian independence in 1991, a bronze sculpture in the shape of a menorah was erected to mark the specifically Jewish tragedy at Babyn Yar. This was followed by a wooden cross to commemorate ”621 activists of the anti-Nazi underground from the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists” shot by the Germans, and by twenty-seven additional commemorative signs dedicated to different groups and specific individuals massacred or buried in Babyn Yar. As a result of the uncoordinated proliferation of competing monuments and the overall physical neglect of the site, Babyn Yar turned into a chaotic space that does not properly reflect the meaning and significance of the tragic events that transpired here.

The principal goal for the organizers (and thus also for the future entrants of the competition) is to create a comprehensive memory site—the “Babyn Yar—Dorohozhychi Necropolis” memorial park. The objective is to transform what is now a littered woodland park / recreational park into a site conducive to reflection and respect for the victims that lie here. At the same time, this area must remain open to memorialization efforts down the road as a consequence of dialogue and as a result of the cooperation of different communities and parts of the society.


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