Участникам конкурса необходимо предложить идеи по реконструкции и «облагораживанию» круговой транспортной развязки у аэропорта Марко Поло в Венеции. Поскольку дорога от аэропорта является своеобразными воротами в город, нужно чтобы уже здесь путешественники ощутили его красоту, уникальность и гостеприимство.
SAVE S.p.A. is looking for an architecture and design project for the renovation of the access roundabout that leads to the Marco Polo Venice airport, by realising an artistic structure that highlights the beauty and the values of the city.
Project typology: you are invited to propose urban furniture and architecture projects for furnishing and decorating the main access roundabout of the airport area. Your project shall accompany the travellers from and to Venice, becoming a symbolical “gateway” for the city.
You can also propose further declinations and other furnishing elements inspired by the main roundabout intended for the nearby area, that includes the airport boulevard (which has two minor roundabouts and several flowerbeds) and the parking area. These extra elements – if ever proposed – shall be consistent with the style of the main roundabout, to accompany the travellers in a gradual and coherent way.