NEW AARCH - New building for Aarhus School of Architecture
Перед конкурсантами стоит задача не просто спроектировать новое здание для Школы архитектуры Орхуса, но также представить идеи по формированию творческой и при этом эффективной образовательной среды, создать своеобразную архитектурную лабораторию. В своих проектах участникам нужно учесть пожелания организаторов к внешнему облику здания и планировке внутреннего пространства.
Welcome to the international open design competition "NEW AARCH". This is the first exciting step towards constructing new facilities for Aarhus School of Architecture and actually also the first time ever a new school of architecture is built in Denmark.
After many years in outdated facilities, the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and Aarhus School of Architecture have agreed on obtaining a new building for the school. To manage and develop the project, Aarhus School of Architecture has chosen the Danish Building & Property Agency. The competition is moreover launched with the assistance of the Danish Architects’ Association and with funding from Realdania.
The aim of the open design competition is to re-think the programming of a modern school of architecture and achieve the best, most visionary ideas. Aarhus School of Architecture and the Danish Building & Property Agency are therefore delighted to invite all architects and architecture students to present their ideas for the new school. We hope for the engagement and participation of the entire profession.