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«Удобный магазин» на заправке

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 09.05.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 09.05.2016
  тема: Дизайн
  страна: США
  открыт для: студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: для индивидуальных участников - нет; для команд - $50
  награда: для индивидуальных участников: I место - $5000, II место - $2000, III место - $1000; для команд: I место - $1000
  организатор: Retail Design Institute
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Retail Design Institute Student Competition 2016
  Студенты со всего мира могут принять участие в конкурсе на дизайн-проект «удобного магазина» (convenience store) на автозаправочной станции, который проводит американский Институт ретейл-дизайна. Круглосуточные мини-маркеты формата «convenience store» становятся все более популярными с каждым годом, поэтому брендинг и дизайн – в числе основных инструментов конкуренции. Однако акцент в проектах участников должен быть сделан не только на визуальной привлекательности объектов, но также на экологичности используемых материалов и технологий.
Thank you for participating in the Retail Design Institute’s 2016 International Student Store Design Competition. We think this year’s Request for Proposal (RFP) format for the competition will give you a better understanding of the parameters that retail designers must work within when presenting a concept to a client. It includes the many challenges that designers and retailers face when trying to fit their design into a particular property, in a specific jurisdiction.

We hope the chosen category, Convenience Store with Gas Station, will be of interest to you. Convenience Stores or C’stores remain a hot topic in the retail design industry, as many Operators are currentlyredesigning, rebranding and rolling out new prototypes, and are for the most part immune to slowdowns in the economy. Also, as the market continues to  back fill, the competition is increasing, but many have yet to create the right branding and business model. Many consumers and retailers are now aligning themselves with environmentally conscious and sustainable designs. This is beginning to have an impact on the retail world, few C’stores or gas stations have just begun  to approach the concepts around sustainability. This is an opportunity we would like you to explore as part of your concept.

In order to give this year’s competition a creative edge, we have provided a space that is actually larger than the retailer’s program needs. What are you going to do with the extra space? What merchandising/business concept do you recommend to enhance the customer experience. Your research should prove your recommendations to your client. 


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