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Символ киноиндустрии в Мумбаи

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 14.02.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.02.2016
  дата объявления результатов: 12.03.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Индия
  город: Мумбаи
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов; индивидуальных участников и команд до 3 человек
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: до 15 января - €60; с 16 января по 14 февраля - €80
  награда: I место - 100 000 рупий; II место - 60 000 рупий; III место - 40 000 рупий
  организатор: Archasm
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Film City Tower: Bollywood re-imaging
  Перед участниками конкурса стоит задача спроектировать небоскреб Film City Tower в Мумбаи, который станет не только площадкой для для создания кинофильмов, но и достопримечательностью города, символом Болливуда. Уникальный футуристический дизайн, должен стать известным и узнаваемым во всем мире. В проектах необходимо предусмотреть использование современных технологий устойчивого строительства.
The film industry in Bombay is scattered and very low profile to match the cult status enjoyed by the Hollywood neighbourhood, despite enjoying an equivalent popularity in the Indian context. It has always lacked a uniformly grand and iconic area or neighbourhood for itself that its prominence and presence among the general people is almost anonymous. After the completion of a great 100 years of Hindi Cinema, Bombay needs to have its own Hollywood styled neighbourhood, which will also serve as one of the most important landmarks for the city in years to come and will pitch the city against the other big cosmopolitan cities of the world. The city being the most populous in the country, is already overburdened and stashed with people, and is facing a crisis in terms of space generation.

The competition aims to explore the possibility of conceptualising an idea for a futuristic iconic vertical tower in Bombay as a tribute to Bollywood. It aims to put Bombay and Bollywood on the global map through a contemporary icon for the city, still missing from the Indian architecture portfolio. The tower will host a variety of functions, from grassroot nurturing of aspiring actors in acting schools, to offering logistic support to the film industry with theatres, studio spaces, film sets and a haven for technicians. The tower will infuse a number of public functions like museums, amphitheatres, and soft functioning like restaurants, cafes and hotel etc. The verticality of the tower will save a lot of city space, which could be used otherwise for matters of more vitality. The competition aims to create a tower running as a vertical film city that will re-imagine Bollywood and transform Mumbai from just a mere gateway to a destination in all aspects.


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