Перед участниками стоит задача переосмыслить традиционную концепцию пляжного домика. Организаторы конкурса предлагают разработать дизайн для серии пляжных домиков, которые расположатся на пляже в Париже. Конкурсантам при создании проектов необходимо обеспечить бережное отношение к окружающей среде, легкость транспортировки и сборки домиков, а также попадание в контекст.
The aim of this international competition is to recognise the possibility for more architectural and design principle to be used in the design of an outstanding series of contemporary beach hut. This competition investigates, explores and emphasises the importance of sustainable concept in beach hut design and the possibilities for experimentation with material form and form of beach hut as the world changes rapidly around us.
The goal is to provide a contemporary architectural solution and re-think of the traditional Beach Hut design that is functional, feasible, repeatable, elegant and reflects the uses specified in the Competition ‘s program. The Beach Hut must protect users from the natural elements such as rain or excessive heat while providing safe storage for belonging of the renter who is enjoying the Paris Playes artificial beach setting.
The Beach Hut whether used for changing, relaxing, lunch or simply to store belonging are useful structure on the beaches as the can be put into a number of convenience used by visitors to the beach especially today when we all carry many technological gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets and, bank /credit cards.