Парижский район Монпарнас в начале прошлого столетия был настоящим местом притяжения художников. Пикассо, Модильяни, Миро – это лишь часть творцов, которые жили в этот период во французской столице. Однако во время Второй мировой войны многие из них были вынуждены оставить это место. Сегодня организаторы конкурса предлагают вернуть району былую славу и ставят перед участниками задачу спроектировать кафе или школу искусств, которые могут быть построены здесь.
Montparnasse is the neighborhood that was home to the early twentieth century artists working in the scene of the time. Picasso, Modigliani, Miro, just to mention a few of them who have lived in this period in the French capital. The cafes in the area were often crowded by those who, not being able to pay in cash, leaving their works of art to pay off its debt. Many of these places are still open and preserve the atmosphere typical of a bohemian lifestyle. World War II and the call to arms of many artists involved depopulation of the district. The area is easily identified because of the high tower that stands on Paris. Not far from the tower there is the Montparnasse train station. It is in this scene of ancient turmoil and profound changes that we want to reflect to imagine an architecture, contemporary styling. What function? A coffee or an art academy, a choice of the competitors, will be the types to be proposed to return the district to relive the splendor of not long ago.