Перед участниками конкурса стоит задача предложить проект школы искусств для лондонского района Шордич, который имеет богатую культурную историю. Сегодня здесь сосредоточено большое количество художественных и дизайнерских галерей, мастерских, студий. Это место популярно среди представителей различных творческих направлений со всего мира. Именно поэтому организаторы состязания предлагают подумать о создании в Шордиче школы искусств, которая станет местом встречи художников, образовательной и выставочной площадкой.
The neighborhood of Shoreditch remained, until the decade of the last century, on the edge of London. Only in the Nineties knows a definite revival, after a steady decline, which had marked the history of the Twentieth Century. In Victorian times the area lived the greatest splendor with the increase of the music hall and shows that echoed in the theaters of the West End were destroyed during the bombings of World War II. A process of social rebirth was deployed by artists and intellectuals who arrived in Britain, they chose this area to stay, given the low cost of rent. It has become today one of the most cool, allowing middle and upper classes to return and recover many old abandoned factories. In this general process of growth we want to think of a SCHOOL OF ARTS meaning art as identity and motive of the rebirth of the neighborhood. A meeting place for artists from all over the world where debates, exhibitions and workshops will enliven the spaces. An architecture that upholds the return of Shoreditch to the glories of the past.