Участникам конкурса предлагается исследовать жизнеспособность и эффективность современных жилищ и поразмышлять над проблемой архитектурного распада. Жюри оценит оригинальность идей и умение их презентовать. Пять лучших проектов и проекты-обладатели поощрительных премий будут представлены на выставке в Майами.
Beautiful Decay is an architectural exploration into the viability of current of methods of habitation. Both real and speculative, the selected projects explore sceneries and scenarios that tackle the issue facing our ever changing landscapes. We seek exemplary projects that tackle the issue as the designer sees fit.
The project is site-less; and can be situated anywhere the designer(s) chooses.
Work must be completed as a form of independent research and/or educational project. Past projects such as thesis work, are eligible. Designers must possess sole authorship of submitted work, and therefore projects done for others are strictly prohibited.
5 winners will be selected. Honorable Mentions will be selected at the jury’s discretion; there is no guarantee on how many mentions there will be. The group of winners will have their proposals and presentations exhibited within a 2,000SF gallery in the burgeoning art district of Opa Locka, located in Miami.