Рим имеет богатую культурную историю и полон уникальных архитектурных памятников. Этот город можно назвать музеем под открытым небом, а его красоты всегда привлекали внимание кинематографистов. Участникам состязания предлагается создать проект музейного пространства, где будут собраны многочисленные образцы киноискусства, в которых нашла отражение культура и архитектура итальянской столицы.
It is the capital of the ancient history that has seen a great empire leave indelible trace of their past. Is Rome. Great architecture still stand out today, after centuries, enlivening the streets of the city. Characterize the appearance, they draw a picture that even the passage of time was able to notch. Besides being an open-air museum has also become the fifth value. Filmmakers have borrowed as a set for their films, not least the Italian Sorrentino of his “Great Beauty”. It is to these masterpieces that we want to pay tribute, thinking of a space that becomes the container of images, scenes and customs relating to these great masterpieces. An exhibition center a short walk from the Colosseum that allows tourists numerous enliven the capital to experience the story through the perception of endless cinematic art. Architecture becomes a messenger, a bridge between the eras, a sign of modernity in a city that never fails to enchant.