Миссия конкурса – поиск решений жилищной проблемы, которая является одной из главных в Лондоне. Численность населения города непрерывно растет, и вопрос с нехваткой доступного жилья стоит сегодня особенно остро. Десятки тысяч семей не имеют постоянного места жительства. Участникам необходимо предложить идеи по совершенствованию механизма обеспечения Лондона жильем с точки зрения строительства, архитектуры и дизайна.
New London Architecture (NLA), in partnership with the Mayor of London, is inviting submissions to a major new ideas competition to find fresh thinking on how to unlock London’s housing supply and deliver the quality and quantity of homes that London needs.
We are looking for a range of innovative ideas that would help to improve the speed, scale and quality of housing supply – from planning to land, funding, construction, procurement, design & product. These can be small-scale or large in their ambition, but when brought together will make a significant contribution to the delivery of quality housing in the capital.
The results will be presented to key government representatives and future mayoral candidates; while a selection of winning entrants will be offered access to a high-level GLA working group to explore how their ideas can be delivered on a real London site.