Память об американских солдатах-участниках Второй мировой войны и войн в Корее и Вьетнаме увековечена в мемориалах Национальной аллеи в Вашингтоне. Однако до сих пор в столице США не было создано памятников воинам Первой мировой войны. Участникам конкурса предлагается разработать концепцию мемориала, который станет символом признания, почета и уважения к этим военнослужащим.
Alone among the four great wars of the 20th century - the "American century" - there is no national memorial to World War I in our nation's capital. More American servicemen - 116,516 - gave their lives in that war than in the Korean and Vietnam wars combined, and 200,000 more came home wounded and maimed. Yet while those who fell in Korea and Vietnam, as well as in World War II, are honored and remembered with memorials on the National Mall, no such recognition is given to the veterans of World War I.
In December 2014, one hundred years after the start of the war, the U.S. Congress passed legislation to redress this omission. Congress authorized the U.S. World War I Centennial Commission to establish a new memorial on Pennsylvania Avenue, one block from the White House and with a commanding view of the Capitol.