Entrepreneur's Meeting Point - Architectural student competition
Благодаря своему климату, высокому уровню образования, активному повсеместному внедрению инноваций, Барселона может претендовать на звание европейской Силиконовой долины. Участникам предлагается разработать концепцию конгресс-центра, который станет площадкой для продуктивной работы бизнес-инкубаторов. Проект должен включать входную зону, общественные и выставочные пространства, конференц-зал, рабочие и административные помещения, зал для проведения мероприятий и кафетерий.
From more than a decade innovation on the business world has evolved exponentially. Silicon Valley is the world’s largest ecosystem on this camp. It’s potential is measured on global terms and the innovation of the companies installed there suppose an important tractor of the national and universal R&D.
There are some factors shared with Barcelona that allowed the evolution of the system like: the good weather, that facilitates the settling of the workers; the business education, with important universities focused on entrepreneurship; the private capital, disposed to invest on new business models; and finally the innovative mind that being innate in America, in Barcelona is becoming more present, clearly enhanced by the emergence of various incubators in the city.
In this context and matching with the reurbanization of Las Glorias square and the new intermodal station La Sagrera, that suppose the extintion of the Estació de França, it’s propposed to create a meeting place between business incubators projects in a location that coexists with the siding to the old train station.
The Meeting Point aims to be a permanent congress focused on growing projects of each incubator forging new relationships, investment, events and work together in the city. The center precise spaces as and auditorium, events rooms, temporal coworking spaces, offices for the incubators, an entrance hall with expositions and all preceded by a good public space that joins with the new town center.