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Unbuilt Visions 2015 - конкурс нереализованных проектов

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 01.10.2015
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.10.2015
  дата объявления результатов: 15.12.2015
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: США
  город: Нью-Йорк
  открыт для: архитекторов, ландшафтных архитекторов, дизайнеров, студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: $50
  награда: три главных приза по $500
  жюри: Jungwoo Ji, Ryann Aoukar, Phuttipan Aswakool, Francis Bitonti, Cressica Brazier, Erin Carraher, Sarah Deyong, Tobias Holler, Frank Jacobus, Ji Young Kim, Margaret Kirk, Marc Manack, Gregory Marinic, Kevin McClellan, Sandra McKee, David Nguyen
  организатор: d3
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса>>>
  Unbuilt Visions: international design competition
  В конкурсе ежегодно участвуют нереализованные архитектурные, дизайнерские, градостроительные и ландшафтные проекты. Кроме того, конкурсанты могут представить на суд жюри теоретические работы по названным направлениям. По мнению организаторов конкурса, нереализованные проекты и академические исследования задают вектор развития архитектуры и дизайна, поэтому их нельзя оставить без внимания. Для победителей предусмотрены денежные призы.
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Unbuilt Visions - конкурс нереализованных проектов
Unbuilt Visions promotes critical debate about architecture and design by acknowledging excellence in unbuilt projects. This annual competition provides an opportunity to engage with architecture, urbanism, interiors, and designed objects at the conceptual stage by recognizing work that offers a critical contribution to worldwide architectural discourse.

Throughout time, unbuilt projects have exerted significant influence on the trajectory of global architecture and design.  Йtienne-Louis Boullйe’s monolithic Cenotaph for Newton expressed a sublime grandeur than continues to beguile contemporary architects. LeCorbusier’s utopian Ville Radieuse (1924) proposed a blueprint for social reform that radically transformed the design of 20th century cities worldwide. Mies van der Rohe’s austere concept for the Friedrichstrasse Skyscraper Competition (1921) fostered a seachange in our perceptions and expectations of the modern commercial workplace.

Continual shifts in architectural theory and production drive new desires to create and address untapped opportunities.  Reflecting forces of globalization and crisis, contemporary architects and designers are negotiating new territories, defining alternative approaches, and engaging untested methodologies.  The increasingly multidisciplinary nature of our work has become more experimental, while correspondingly less classifiable.  In an era of significant technological innovation, speculative projects offer vast potential for advancing theoretical discourse, as well as alternative ways to intervene within the built environment.  Yet there are inherent risks and challenges attached to exploring uncharted frontiers.

In the 21st century, which unbuilt ideas will reflect the most salient and avant-garde notions of our time?

Unbuilt Visions recognizes excellence in projects that to date remain unbuilt.  Theoretical, academic, and other unbuilt projects will be juried and awarded by a distinguished international panel of architects, designers, theorists, and historians.  All projects submitted to the competition will be considered for publication in ‘Unbuilt Visions I’, the first volume in a series that will collect, curate, and document transitions in unbuilt architecture and design.


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