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Будущее острова Сор

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 17.03.2015
  dead-line подачи проектов: 17.03.2015
  дата объявления результатов: 08.06.2015
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Великобритания
  город: Лестер
  открыт для: дипломированных архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: £50
  награда: пятеро финалистов получают по £5000; приз для победителя состязания - £5000 дополнительно
  жюри: Andrew L Smith (RTPI), Director of Planning, Transportation and Economic Development / Leicester City Council
Louise Seymour (RTPI), Head of Development Projects / Leicester City Council
Glenn Howells, Glenn Howells Architects, RIBA Adviser
Neil Stacey - Leicester School of Architecture, De Montfort University
Don Munro (CMLI), Principal, Munro + Whitten
Joanne Wallis, Competitions Consultant / RIBA Competitions (Observer only)
  организатор: Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Leicester City Council
  контакты: +44 (0)113 203 1490
[email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Soar Island - International Open Ideas Competition
  Перед участниками стоит задача разработать концепцию развития острова, расположенного на реке Сор в городе Лестер. Сегодня территория острова используется только в производственных целях, однако городские власти уверены, что она имеет большой нераскрытый потенциал: здесь могут появиться общественные пространства, жилые и офисные здания. Состязание пройдет в два этапа. На первом этапе жюри проанализирует идеи всех конкурсантов и составит шорт-лист из пяти работ. На втором этапе финалисты лично представят свои проекты на суд жюри.
This architectural competition focuses on one site within Waterside-a unique piece of land which is expected to be brought forward in one of the first phases of Waterside development. Soar Island is, as the name suggests, an island within the River Soar and Grand Union Canal. Rally Park-an area of recently improved open space sits immediately to the west across the water. Connected with a network of bridges-both vehicle and footbridges, the site is just 10 minutes' walk from the city centre. At 2.15 acres (0.87 ha) the site is currently a mixture of industrial works, open space and woodland, but Leicester City Council believe it offers unrealised potential in the form of a mixed-use (housing, commercial, community or leisure) that includes high quality open space and public realm and, enables public access to the island. It requires a special approach with a design that enhances the contribution Soar Island makes to the biodiversity of the area.

Soar Island is at one of the most interesting parts of the river. It needs to include a use which creates an attractive destination that draws people to it, where they can enjoy being by the river. It is a distinctive and highly visible site and is well connected. The competition is being launched to raise the profile of Leicester Waterside ahead of major regeneration in the area. It is important to note that Leicester City Council is unlikely to be the developer of the site, instead; the outcome of this competition will provide a guide for the future use of the site. Whilst the Council is already a significant land owner in the area and has acquired a number of sites to help facilitate large-scale development, it is currently considering options for its role in bringing forward development. The council will be preparing an outline planning application for submission in July 2015. The outline application will include this site and the competition's winning entry may be used to inform the final content of this application masterplan. The winner will be guaranteed publicity as part of the final announcement however; it will be at the discretion of the 'developer' as to whether they chose to take forward the winning design through to development.

The Council invites registered Architects and Landscape Architects to submit concept designs of innovative and inspiring suggestions, through this competition, on the island's future use, which offers realistic propositions that would interest the market.


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