Аналогично тому, как автомобили прочно вошли в жизнь человека, заправочные станции наводнили пространство вокруг нас. Однако многие современные бензоколонки имеют непривлекательный и скучный внешний вид, а также негативно влияют на окружающую среду. Поскольку без заправок сегодня невозможно обойтись, необходимо пересмотреть их концепцию, найти варианты сочетания функциональности и эстетики.
Участникам нужно подготовить дизайн-проекты двух АЗС. Одна из них должна располагаться на участке проселочной дороги в Колумбии (общее задание для всех), другая – в любой точке мира, на усмотрение конкурсантов. По задумке организаторов, дизайн должен быть универсальным и применимым в разных странах и регионах. Нужно также предусмотреть возможность модификации с учетом климатического, экономического и прочих факторов.
This is a competition about rethinking the ubiquitous filling station.
As the automobile became a highly celebrated and desired part of western society during the first half of the 20th century, the filling station followed closely behind as the architectural counterpart of this new phenomenon that was changing the world. An air of pride surrounded driving and refueling your car, and filling stations were designed as monument of a future that had already arrived.
However, as car ownership exploded around the world, the novelty started to wear off, and filling stations were soon regarded as a source of income rather than the celebration of a bright future. The fall from grace was further solidified when it became clear just how much of a negative impact the car has on the environment. What unifies typical filling stations of today is uninspiring appearances built at low upfront costs and surrounded by an air of neglect. Consequently most of them has a negative impact on their surroundings.
Still, as long as people travel the roads, filling stations will be needed to provide people as well as vehicles with fuel and assistance. Is there an ideal contemporary filling station, and can it be designed to last both functionally and aesthetically?