Для этого конкурса участникам следует искать вдохновения у природы: у силы бутона, изысканности лепестка, изящества паутины, энергии полета пчелы, волнистых движений змеи, силы слона. Организаторы советуют не отображать прямолинейно источник вдохновения, а выделять некий доминирующий элемент, основной аспект, который можно не слишком очевидно перенести на предмет мебели.
Be inspired by nature to create furniture and home accessories for this contest. The expressive power of a bud, the daintiness of a petal, the grace of a spider web, the energy of a honeybee fly, the sinuosity of a snake, the strength of an elephant. Do not simply reproduce your inspiration, think of the dominant element, the aspect that you can turn into furniture without falling into obviousness.
Basically, suggest projects
which fall into the furniture and furnishings categories (NO lamps, clocks, gifts, accessories, children’s games and furniture, cooking utensils etc.);
that can be achieved for the most part with productive and material capacities – solid wood or panels upholstered with various finishes, sheet metal processing through cold forming, punching and 2D and 3D laser cutting – used by our companies (therefore, no 100% glass, plastic, marble, stone, Corian, etc.);
that can easily be packaged with packaging of up to 230 cm in length and weighing up to 30 kg each per package;
that can be easily assembled and installed by the buyer;