Автострада Septima Clark проходит через деловую часть города Чарльстон, штат Южная Каролина. Будучи важной транспортной артерией, она одновременно объединяет и разъединяет город: дорога спроектирована преимущественно для скоростного автотранспорта и представляет собой опасный участок для пешеходов. Построенный в 1975 году пешеходный мост не решает всех проблем.
Участникам конкурса предлагается придумать, как сделать мост более функциональным, а также добиться его превращения в символические ворота города.
AIA Charleston is pleased to announce an ideas- competition developed to exhibit the power of design in transforming under utilized community assets.
The Septima P. Clark Parkway, also known as the “Crosstown,” is an efficient high-speed connection across the downtown Charleston peninsula. This artery is used by more than 60,000 vehicles everyday and has been christened “The Great Connector” by elected officials. Ironically, the Great Connector has created a Great Divide through the heart of the peninsula. Designed primarily for high speed vehicular traffic, the Crosstown effectively divides the city and creates a perilous crossing for pedestrians. In 1975 a pedestrian bridge was erected to provide a safe connection across the highway. Although well intentioned, the bridge was constructed at a mid-block location remote from major intersections and the bridge access points were poorly defined. As a result the bridge has been in-effective at attracting pedestrian use. In addition to the bridge’s under utilization, its somber utilitarian appearance provides an unpleasant gateway into the city.
WALK THIS WAY is a call for designers to re imagine the existing pedestrian bridge as a welcoming, pedestrian oriented structure that fosters connections through the heart of the city. Although considerations have been publicly discussed about adding additional pedestrian bridges, the most viable, sustainable short term solution would be to revitalize this existing amenity. Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr., Hon. AIA and staff have given AIA Charleston full support in this important exploration.
For the purposes of this competition, entrants are asked to consider how the existing pedestrian bridge over the Septima Clark Expressway could be re imagined as both a more inviting pedestrian bridge as well as a symbolic gateway to the city. Design proposals should (at minimum) address issues of pedestrian safety, accessibility, and connectivity.