Global Schindler Award 2015 - Доступ к городской среде: проектируя город как ресурс
dead-line регистрации:
dead-line подачи проектов:
дата объявления результатов:
открыт для:
студентов архитектурных вузов, проходящих последние курсы обучения; индивидуальных участников и групп
регистрационный взнос:
1-я премия - $50 000, 2-я премия - $30 000, 3-я премия - $17500.
Три поощрительных приза по $7500 и шесть грантов на путешествия в размере $6000 каждый
Mr. Bouman, Ole
Prof. Liu, Doreen
Prof. Loo, Becky P.Y.
Mr. Meng, Yan
Prof. Moussavi, Farshid
Dr. Provoost, Michelle
Prof. Rode, Philipp
Prof. Rowe, Peter
Prof. Sauerbruch, Matthias
Ms. Nicole V. Zheng
Prof. Yu, Kongjian
Mr. Jackie Han
Global Schindler Award 2015 - Access to Urbanity: Designing the City as a Resource
Участникам конкурса необходимо предложить идеи для развития мобильности в городе Шэньчжэнь в Китае, а также улучшить его связь с регионом дельты Жемчужной реки. Предлагаемые решения должны стать одновременно катализатором и проводником городских изменений.
The GSA looks for unconventional approaches, innovative urban design strategies and architectural concepts for livable, mixed-use, high-density urban environments. Projects should focus on the creation of interactive urban ensembles in which the central theme is the interface between different modes of horizontal and vertical mobil- ity and their interplay with the built environment. Projects should be developed from a trans-scalar, holistic, and cross-border perspective.
The task of the competition is to create an urban design-based response to this specific brief about mobility related to Shenzhen, China and its local and regional relationships in the Pearl River Delta. The interface of mobility networks with the built environment of the city and region must be considered in a global context.
Students are asked to address the social, economic and environmental challenges presented by globalization and urbanization. Analytical design proposals should use mobility as both a catalyst and conduit for urban change.
The goal of the Global Schindler Award is to create an open forum for new thinking about the challenges and possibilities of a global, urban shared future, using mobility systems for greater inclusion, connection and accessibility for all.