Преобразование пространства вокруг Пирамиды в Тиране - конкурс идей
dead-line регистрации:
dead-line подачи проектов:
дата объявления результатов:
открыт для:
студентов, архитекторов, инженеров и дизайнеров; индивидуальных участников и групп до 5 человек
регистрационный взнос:
1 место - 1000€, 2 место - 750€, 3 место - 250€, а также публикация проектов победителей в журнале A+P и их презентация на Tirana Architecture Week Exhibition. Две особые премии присуждаются в номинациях "Инновация" и "Устойчивость"
Gezim PAÇARIZI - jury chairman, architect, curator of the Kosovo pavilion in Venice Biennale 2014
Zef Çun - architect, vice-minister of culture of Albania
Loris ROSSI - architect
Matthias BAUER - architect
Sotir DHAMO - architect & urban planner
Arta RAÇA - architect
Ledian BREGASI - director of aua/Union of Albanian Architects & Urban Planners
Ideas competition for the Pyramid Square of Tirana
Пирамида расположена в центральной части Тираны и является одним из символов коммунистического наследия Албании. По сей день не угасают споры, что следует делать с Пирамидой: снести ее или сохранить. Участники конкурса должны предложить концепцию преобразования площади вместе со зданием Пирамиды в активное, привлекательное и современное пространство, которое в то же время сохраняло бы смыслы исторических наслоений. Также необходимо подумать над тем, как сделать площадь более доступной для пешеходов и объединить ее с остальным городом.
Tirana Architecture Week and the Albanian Ministry of Culture invite architects and architecture students up to 40 years old in an open ideas competition for the Pyramid Square of Tirana. Positioned in an emblematic location, formally a symbol of Communist Heritage in Albania this space in the present day has no future and identity, placed where most of the significant historical periods of the city overlap the organic origin from the autoritarian regime through 20 years of transition. A solution for a harmonious coexistence is yet to be found. This document describes the objectives, the terms and conditions of the competition, and describes the characteristics of the site. All submitted projects shall be reviewed by an international jury, composed by representatives of the Ministry of Culture and experienced professionals.The jury shall select five finalist projects.
The main characteristic of Tirana’s city center is its monumentality so to represente the image of rebirth of the country. Administrative, institutional, cultural functions are concentrated along the boulevard. A pure modernist architecture is used to build the Pyramid, in order to function as Mausoleum of the Albanian Dictactor Enver Hoxha. After the hall of the communist party there have been many discussions about what the future of this monument should be: some wanted to change its function, some thought it should be demolished, some others decided that the monument should be preserved.The goal of this competition is to to provide a strategy for harmonizing all these layers of history into an actively functioning, attractive and distinctly contemporary space by re-envisioning the Pyramid Square as a part of an active system within the city. The international competition for Pyramid Square is also part of the strategy of the Ministry of Culture to re-activate the ghost spaces of the Communist Past.
Propose a concept design for the activation of the Pyramid Square by adding new functions. Participants should only present their conceptual solutions not technical ones.provide access for pedestrians to the site and connect the area with the rest of the city establish spatial and logical links between the site and its context (via underground or adove ground structures, information design, paving patterns or other). Physical or programatic connection to a wider system in the city.