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Маленький дом

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 17.12.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 17.12.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $75
  награда: призовой фонд - $10 000
  организатор: Impact Design Competitions
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  The Tiny House Competition
  Задание для конкурсантов – спроектировать маленький дом на двоих, простой, но комфортный и со всеми необходимыми удобствами. Дом может быть модульным или передвижным, учитывая спрос на мобильность и повсеместное распространение удаленной занятости.
A "home" is a space that is intimate to all. Our home is our safe haven, going beyond its everyday function of being a shelter for its users and their activities; a home connects with each of us on an emotional and personal level.

With constantly evolving times, the definition of “home” also keeps changing. 21st century witnessed concepts like AirBnB, Co-Living, Smart Homes, Tiny Homes etc. gaining popularity with both young and older generation’s alike sparking movements across the globe. Our Humble Adobe has witnessed transformations with rapid advancements in technology, rise of efficient spaces, environmental and financial concerns and growing needs & desires of the people living in them. Homes today are versatile entities – doubling up as offices, play areas, work-out zones, spaces for interaction and recreation, as also being an abode for our furry friends and providing for their needs.


The Concept of a home changes with every diverse geography, topography and Spatial Limitations which has resulted in varied typologies adapting to the context. However at the core Home remains a Home where the design is an expression of the persona, creativity & ideology of its maker and the user. In this new age where our world is riddled with environmental and financial setbacks on the onset of the pandemic the desire to have more freedom has led people to follow simpler and efficient ways of living. Over the past two years most of the world population have retreated to their home for the majority of it shielding and surviving embracing resourceful Living. This scenario has presented designers with a unique opportunity to redefine the idea of a “Home”. The inclination of the users to follow simpler and efficient ways of living, coupled with a rapid development in technology and materials, there is a great opportunity to create a versatile and innovative personal space.

The Tiny House Movement, celebrates the concept of simple, yet resourceful living. The homes can be designed to re-imagine sustainability through the innovation of maximum usable space in a minimum footprint.


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