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«Пауза» - павильон для TED2017

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 01.01.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 01.01.2017
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Канада
  город: Ванкувер
  открыт для: студентов и молодых специалистов (до 30 лет)
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: реализация объекта и поездка на TED2017
  организатор: Design Build Research
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  PAUSE - competition in partnership with TED2017
  Цель конкурса – выбрать лучший проект павильона на открытом воздухе для конференции TED 2017, которая пройдет в Ванкувере под темой «Будущий ты» (The future you). Это должен быть павильон, где можно «отключиться» от городской жизни и погрузиться в общение с природой, павильон для рефлексии. Основной материал – дерево. Несмотря на то что павильон будет открытым, необходимо предусмотреть возможность его использования при любых погодных условиях. Лучший проект будет реализован при участии автора.
DBR presents PAUSE a competition in partnership with TED2017 ‘The future you’. This year TED is making the conference more explicitly personal. We are questioning what individual space looks like; the personal and private; the open and closed. How do we design an environment and experience that is nurturing, human, satisfying, and exciting?

DBR is a non-profit school that teaches design and construction as an agent of social change. For the last three years, our students have created unique structures for TEDsters to gather and connect during the conference. Each structure is designed to be upcycled to provide a legacy use in our community and to elevate the TED message.

Part of the challenge will be considering the end use for the structure within a forested site. With a local site being considered, we are excited to see how the future purpose of the structure can help shape its use at TED. The challenge will be to capture both the experience of TED and the experience of the forest.

In complementing the theme of TED, we present PAUSE. The pavilion is about personal reflection. A pause within the forest, within the city. A place to reflect, gather, or interact, the applicant will define the user encounter. To develop an identity of place and experience, but to also recognize and respect the surrounding environment. These are all concerns that should be considered while addressing the design and program requirements. The challenge is to create a space to reflect personally and in the same breath, share that experience with others.

A reflection on the past, a moment in the present, and a thought for the future. Can taking a PAUSE and connecting to nature answer the questions that TED is exploring?


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