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Будущее прибрежных городов

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 21.08.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 21.08.2016
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: США
  город: Уэст-Палм-Бич
  открыт для: междисциплинарных команд
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: грант для двух команд-финалистов дизайн-конкурса - $45 000, для двух команд-финалистов исследовательского конкурса - $40 000; для победителей - контракты на дальнейшую работу над проектами
  организатор: Van Alen Institute
West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Shore to Core - design and research competition
  На конкурс принимаются архитектурные и исследовательские проекты, которые на примере Уэст-Палм-Бич продемонстрируют особенности прибрежных городов и обозначат основные перспективы их развития. Организаторы предлагают изучить потребности жителей и гостей таких городов, предложить идеи по улучшению качества жизни здесь. Исследовательские и дизайн-работы оцениваются отдельно.
Van Alen Institute and the West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency are launching Shore to Core, a design competition and a research competition that uses West Palm Beach as a model to reimagine our waterfront cities and better understand individuals’ relationships to the built environment.

The design competition seeks two multidisciplinary design teams to envision the future of waterfront cities. The winning design team will work with West Palm Beach Community Redevelopment Agency to develop the first phase of their proposal in West Palm Beach.  The research competition seeks a research team to identify ways that the urban environment affects our minds and bodies. The winning research proposal will be developed into a pilot research study in West Palm Beach.

Shore to Core asks: How can we recreate an urban core so its design is intelligent, flexible, and responsive to the needs of residents and visitors? Many aspects of our lives are shaped by the environments in which we spend our time, and by developing a better understanding of these relationships, we can use design to improve wellbeing in cities.

West Palm Beach is a young city that is growing quickly. Many associate this region with a large retirement community, but there is also a growing population of people in their 20s and 30s, as well as large Black and Hispanic populations. The city’s downtown and 10-mile waterfront present an opportunity to develop new amenities that reflect the city’s emerging populations, and design is a crucial tool for tackling these evolving needs. As the city changes, we want to create a framework for future development and a means to measure how these physical transformations are affecting the wellbeing of West Palm Beach’s residents and visitors.


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