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Архитектура и кино - конкурс Фонда Хеннинга Ларсена

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 12.03.2015
  dead-line подачи проектов: 12.03.2015
  дата объявления результатов: 20.08.2015
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Дания
  город: Копенгаген
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: Общий призовой фонд состаляет 18 000€, победитель получает как минимум 9000€.
  жюри: Troels Troelsen 
Christian Braad Thomsen
Bente Scavenius
Peter Møller Rasmussen
Jette Lehmann
Vinca Wiedemann.
  адрес: Henning Larsen Architects
Vesterbrogade 76, 4th floor
DK-1620 Copenhagen V
  организатор: The Henning Larsen Foundation
  контакты: film@henninglarsen.com
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  архитекторы: Хеннинг Ларсен
  Architecture and Film - The Henning Larsen Foundation Contest
  Фонд Хеннинга Ларсена объявляет о проведении очередного конкурса, на этот раз посвященного архитектуре и киноискусству, у которых намного больше точек соприкосновения, чем может показаться на первый взгляд. Тема конкурса – «преображение архитектурного пространства во времени». Участникам необходимо предоставить фильм продолжительностью от 1 до 5 минут.
связанные события:

Архитектура и утопия - конкурс фонда Хеннинга Ларсена
The Henning Larsen Foundation is launching an international competition on architecture and film. The aim of the competition is to revitalise the use of architecture on film and foster new inspiration to architects and film professionals.

The Foundation has previously launched three similar competitions under the themes: "photographing architecture" in 2007, "drawing architecture" in 2008 and "writing about architecture" in 2012.

Architecture is closely related to other art forms - not only to photography, drawing and language, but also to film and music. Architecture speaks to all senses, and it changes expression over time. Architecture is more than scenographed images. It is an abstract art form which does not take real shape until occupied and activated by movements through the space.

The previous strong role of architecture on film seems less dominant in new films from the latest decades.

Live images have a special relation to architecture because film is experienced in time and space just as architecture. Film is thus more capable of providing a full spatial experience of architecture compared to photography.

We orient ourselves with our eyes, and the human brain perceives space and depth by transforming staggered pictures from our eyes. This experience of space is perceived through the activity taking place in the space. On film, the movements of the camera provide us with an immediate experience of spatial depth despite the lack of "stereo view".

This experience is related to our auditory sense, which gives us a similar spatial experience when the brain combines small differences and time delays in the sound image and translates them into spatial experience.

The time dimension of architecture is activated by the change in time and light as well as by the movement of objects or living creatures.

Henning Larsen told about his dreams of flying in Jytte Rex' film portrait of him, and his fascination of the intense experience of architecture in films recorded on the Arabian Peninsula was an important source of inspiration to him when designing one of the main works of his studio, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) in Saudi Arabia. The theme of the competition is the experience of architectural space over time.

The task is to create a film sequence of 1-5 minutes which animates architecture by embracing time as the primary dimension.


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