Reanimate the Ruins. Packard Motor Plant – global design competition.
Конкурсантам предстоит вернуть к жизни руинированный завод в Детройте, который раньше производил моторы для автомобилей Паккард. Функциональная программа проекта включает в себя жилье, помещения для торговли, бизнеса и развлечений, а также музей Паккард, рекреационные и общественные пространства. Важно сохранить историю и дух места: не только формальное наличие музея автомобилей должно напоминать о том, чем раньше являлось реанимируемое пространство.
The aim is to memorialize the Packard’s current ruined state, while simultaneously imagining a future that will heal Detroit technologically, socially and aesthetically.
In this regard, you are charged to present a new vision for the Packard Motor Plant, which leaves a portion of the structure in ruins. Among the ruins, incorporate a transit center and museum to act as the nexus for your design intervention, attracting all other elements to them. The remaining program should include civic, residential, business and entertainment amenities. Participants must also consider recreational and public spaces necessary to support the program listed above.
Design proposals should retain selective elements of the Packard Motor Plant, which provide unique insight into Detroit’s decline, while simultaneously envisioning a new, lively, and engaging urban node. Bend architectural norms to create new urban forms, which lend themselves to the confluence of residential, commercial and civic programs. Ultimately, people are the makers of place; create an environment that encourages human engagement and expression.