Central Glass International Architectural Design Competition 2014
Тема 49-го конкурса Central Glass – Любимый символ горожан.
Город должен быть привлекательным. И привлекательность города в первую очередь определяется его архитектурой. Раньше наиболее значительными сооружениями являлись собор, ратуша, дворец или центральная площадь, которые и становились городскими символами.
Современная архитектура скорее рациональна и функциональна, чем символична. Однако горожанам все еще нужны архитектурные символы. Но не символы богатства или авторитарной власти правительства, а очень душевные и по-настоящему любимые здания. Это могут быть общественные сооружения или частные дома, их размер не имеет значение, что действительно важно – это способность здания-символа передать культурное богатство и традиции народа.
A city must be attractive. A city’s attractiveness derives, for the most part, from the architecture that gives it character. In the past, the city’s political and financial buildings the palace, governmental buildings, shrines, temples, churches, plazas, and chamber of commerce took that role. Such architecture made its residents proud to live in that city. The architecture became a symbol, gave distinction to the city, and became that city’s measure. At times, it became, to the contrary, an intimidating symbol of authority for the residents.
Contemporary architecture no longer defines a city’s character or serves as its measure. Emphasis is given instead to the architecture’s own functionality and rationality. The symbolic character of architecture, this is to say, has been lost. A city’s residents, nevertheless, still need symbols, do they not? Not intimidating symbols of authority, but symbols loved by the city’s people. It can be either a public building or a private building.
A city symbol cannot be created as a conscious aim. Rather, it must be fostered by the city’s people. Functionality and rationality, while necessary, are insufficient as conditions for becoming a symbol. Just being an important or large building will not make it a symbol. Through long use of a building, people feel love for it and become conscious of it as a symbol. Design excellence is necessary for becoming a symbol. By imparting richness to people, a symbol grows even more loved, and thus, its meaning is enhanced.