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Image of the Kremlin

Julia Tarabarina
Alexandrov and partners

The mixed-use complex on Leningradskoye highway is the architectural concept designed by the studio of Dmitry Aleksandrov in 2005 but how it often happens it remained uncertain whether the work would be continued or not. This is the reason why there have never been any articles on the project, though if consider it thoroughly, there appears an interesting combination of size and laconism in it, and this refers the audience to the works of Leonid Pavlov, one of the best architects of modernism of Brezhnev period, or to the projects of Ivan Leonidov, the famous avant-gardist, or to Ledoux

Actually – says Dmitry Aleksandrov – the prototype of the project is La Geode – the glass sphere of techno-park Villette in Paris designed by Adrien Fainsilber and Gérard Chamayou, it was opened in 1985. The French Geode contains sports palace, in ours there will be a congress hall and restaurants. The French glass sphere is more like a space ship that landed by the techno-park, it is very autonomous and self-sufficient, even reserved.

In the project by Dmitry Aleksandrov the glass sphere is surrounded by the giant 8storey red wall of the same scale without windows at all, and reminds of a hinge or some other element of a gigantic mechanism. The sphere is not isolated, but is actively inserted into the composition that consists of strict and laconic objects. The three travelators connect the sphere with the ring that surrounds it, and they also play their own parts in the mechanism.

The ring is not at all a wall as one might think seeing its exterior. This is the ring-building which is here because a support for the tall 60storey tower was needed. The site is by the turn of the Moscow-river and therefore it is very muddy, and underground waters are too close to the place. This required construction of a support for the tall volume and also made it possible not to place car parkings underground. Vehicles will be arranged in the ring-building on the outer line. They do not need windows, so appeared the uniform “fortress wall”. Within the ring there is a retail centre – its walls are in contrast entirely of glass. So the retail centre is illuminated from the inner side of the ring. There would be an intricate play of blinks and reflections – the curved glass of the ring-fortress would reflect in the sphere mirror of the Geode and vise versa.

The sphere is not in the middle of the shaped round space but is placed in direction to the river as if it is pushing off the third element of the composition – the 60storey tower which is on the opposite side of the ring. In the tower there will be a four-star hotel and a business centre. The walls of the hotel are brick and of the business centre are glass – the two different functions of the tower are well understood from the facades. The upper part of the tower is very like common for the Kremlin “swallow tail”. Again this “talking” shape is huge – like all the rest here, it meets the vehicles coming to Moscow along Leningradskoye highway from Sheremetievo. And it clearly shows where they are heading for – there will be the Kremlin. In this point the fortress laconism of the ring-wall and the probable terracotta red color of the facades create obviously a sightseeing image, as well as governmental.
